The running Fields

The running Fields
Escaped Horses (Chris Tancock)

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Fourth Day of Juneathonalon

Saved my run for the cool of the day and the quieter hour when most people had headed home for tea. It turned out to be a good decision.

Tried out Adrenaline Junkie for the first time (half price courtesy of Audio Fuel - thank you Sean) and couldn't believe my luck when the two sprints at 190 bpm were on the flat!!  The few cars that passed gave me querulous glances which I think may have been to do with my, by now, beet-root complexion. Thankfully, I was met by a wonderful cooling breeze and the sweet smell of honeysuckle as I joined the coast road AND the cool down started just as I hit the short, sharp hill. Perfetto.

Plus, I think I've sweated away some of the bugs that have been  plaguing me.

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